- Secure and schedule a location for all LMEA Board meetings
- Serve as ex-officio member of the Board of Directors; act in an advisory capacity.
- Responsible for official minutes of all meetings.
- Arrange for printing of all LMEA materials.
- Represent LMEA at meetings of the National Association for Music Education and the NAfME Southern Division.
- Oversee updates to handbook and forms (All-State, Conference, Assessment, etc.). Assist in answering any legal questions that might arise.
- Maintain a current list of names, email addresses, schools (or base schools), and districts of all members, in conjunction with NAfME.
- Serve as chief financial officer; collect money due the Association, pay bills incurred by the Association,and oversee all contracts.
- Assist with reconciling credit card transactions.
- Submit an annual detailed budget, in collaboration with the Finance Committee, for adoption by the Board of Directors prior to October 1 of each year.
- Compile all financial reports; present a written report of transactions, account balances, and a YTD budgetary report at each meeting of the Board of Directors.
- Prepare and arrange for annual audit review at end of fiscal year (July 1); present a copy of the written audit review to be published in the Louisiana Musician and a copy of all income tax filings at the first board meeting of the fiscal year.
- Submit bid proposals when necessary.
- Secure insurance to be bonded at a minimum amount of $10,000 based on the recommendation of the finance committee with board approval.
- Records shall be open to inspection by the membership at all times.
- Establish sites and locations for Annual Conference, in concurrence with Executive Officers and Board.
- Contract with hotels and handle all billing and payments for Annual Professional Development Conference.
- Order patches, t-shirts, academic medals/certificates for All-State students, plaques for conductors, clinicians, and award recipients.
- Approve all aspects of State level performance Assessments, including site arrangements, scheduling, dispersing and collecting all entry forms and fees.
- Secure state judges with recommendations from division chairs and the executive officers.
- Make all related financial payments.
- The annual salary is currently $15,500.
The LMEA Board of Directors will determine the continued service of the Executive Director during the meeting in which a President-Elect assumes duties as President. The President will entertain a motion from the Board for consideration of the continued service of the editor. Discussion and voting will follow.
- At least one calendar month prior to the meeting in which continued service will be determined, the current President will provide Board Members with the Executive Director’s job description.
- At least one month prior to the meeting in which continued service will be determined, the Executive Board will accept input related to job performance of the Executive Director in the previous term.
- After consultation with the Executive Board, the President will determine a recommendation to be made as relates to the continued service of the Executive Director and notify the Executive Director at least 10 days prior to the meeting in which continued service will be determined.
Continuation of Service or Selection of a New Executive Director:
- Continued service will be accomplished through recommendation by the President and a simple majority vote of the Board members present provided there is a quorum.
- Should the decision of the Board be that the current Executive Director will not continue in service or should the current Executive Director wish to retire from the position, an application process will be utilized to solicit other candidates.
- The Executive Board may appoint an interim Executive Director in order to prevent any interruption of services while the application process proceeds.
- The Executive Board will review all applications and the President will make recommendations to the full Board.
- Selection will be accomplished by a simple majority vote of the Board members present provided there is a quorum.
- If no applicant is determined to be suitable to the Executive Board or if no applicant earns a simple majority of votes by the Board of Directors, provided there is a quorum, the President has the responsibility to notify membership (lmeamusic.org) of a continuation of the application process.
The online application requires uploading a cover letter, resume, and 3 letters of recommendation.