- Instrumental, Vocal, and String Solo (not recommended for elementary vocal students)
- Small Ensemble (2-18 students plus eligible student accompanist)
- Student Conductor – must conduct an ensemble with a minimum of sixteen members
Dates and Locations
- Check your district’s calendar for the date and location of all Solo and Small Ensemble Assessments
- Students are eligible to attend only one Solo and Small Ensemble Assessment per school year
Participation Fee
- $5.00 per solo or ensemble member
- Additional information is included on the entry form, found in the September issue of The Louisiana Musician or on this website.
- Solo and small ensemble events are provided for the students of teachers who are members in good standing of NAfME/LMEA. Only students attending the participating school are eligible to perform. The only exceptions are students from a certified parish group and students of an eligible private teacher.
- Vocalists may participate in no more than one solo and two ensembles for an assessment rating.
- Instrumentalists may participate in no more than one solo and two ensembles on a given instrument for an assessment rating.
Performance Time Limits
- Six minutes for either solo or small ensemble performance of one selection
- Requirements:
- Vocal music should be selected from traditional vocal literature, including folk music or spirituals. Broadway, pop music, and similar styles are not acceptable.
- Strings should see the LMEA Handbook for specific information for both solos and small ensembles
- Memorization:
- A vocal soloist is required to perform from memory or be rated one division lower. Memorization for all other events is optional.
- Instrumentalists are not required to perform from memory in either a solo or small ensemble event.
- Scores:
- Each event must provide an original copy of the performance selection (with the measures numbered) for the judge. Duplication of scores is not allowed unless accompanied by written permission from the copyright owner.
Certifying an Entry Form
- Forms are included in the September issue of The Louisiana Musician or on this website. All entry forms must be certified by the school principal with the following exceptions:
- Parish groups must be certified by the parish superintendent or his representative.
- The students of a private teacher need only the certification of their teacher.
Entries from different schools should be listed on separate forms properly certified by the respective principals.
- Ratings will be designated as I, II, III, IV, and V.
- Awards are given to each soloist or ensemble member whose performance rated a I (Superior) as follows:
- Solo – blue medal
- Small ensemble members – red medal to each member
- Student conductor – blue medal
Additional information can be found in the LMEA Handbook