Online Music Resources

Music Rising logoMr. Holland's Opus logo

Help in a disaster.
Music Rising, administered by The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation, helps school music programs with instrument and equipment loss after natural disasters. Schools impacted that are in need of assistance can call (818) 762-4328 or visit:

Louisiana schools that have received assistance include: Abney Elementary (Slidell), North Iberville High School (Rosedale), Huntington High School (Shreveport), Turner Elementary Middle School (Shreveport)

Updated 4/19/2021. NFHS’s Return to Music Project offers music educators guidance and resources to make it easier forward as we advocate for our programs, plan for the upcoming school year, and try to keep the music alive in our schools across the nation.

The project will be broken down into different content areas and released in three phases during the course of the next 6 months. 

Additional articles:

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) – Updated 4/19/2021

Arts Education & Social Emotional Learning Framework (https//

Sites offering a collection of links or other information – Updated 4/19/2021

Yamaha Educator Suite
Yamaha Educator Suite – Post Pandemic Planning Guide
Virtual Learning Resources for Music Educators – NAfME
Music Teacher Resources for School Closures (Including Online and No Tech Ideas) – NAfME Classroom/General Music
NAMM Foundation (National Association of Music Merchants)
Ideas to Deal with Coronavirus and Distance Learning for Ensembles (and Conducting Class) – CBDNA (College Band Directors National Association)

LInk to Online Resources compiled by Save the Music FoundationUpdated 10/27/2020.  Save The Music Foundation has sent LMEA links to a collection of great online resources they have collected and curated for students, teachers, and parents to use in school, out of school, or at home.

Online Student Safety

Before recommending any sites to your students, please make sure they are at an appropriate level and fit the needs of your students. Also, they must meet the criteria for online safety as set forth by your parish in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Childhood Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) requires:

  • Children under age 13 need verifiable parental consent before accessing any online resources.
  • Students and/or families should not provide any identifying information to access to any resource, whether free or paid.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records.

Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) addresses concerns about children’s access to inappropriate content over the internet.

US Department of Education: Office of Educational Technology
Louisiana’s Data Governance & Student Privacy Guidebook
Your Parish Student Technology Agreement – Each parish has their own Student Technology Agreement that must be followed.

Webinars to help teachers adapt to online teaching

Bridging the Gap: Teaching and Learning Music Online – a joint panel discussion/webinar presented by NAMM and NAfME.
Music Ed Policy During a Global Pandemic – NAfME 2020-04-28
Music Teacher Resources for School Closures – NAfME
Making Music Online: How-Tos for Private and Group Lessons – NAfME
Making Music Online: How-Tos for Ensembles – NAfME

Instrument Cleaning

COVID-19 Instrument Cleaning Guidelines – NFHS, NAfME, and NAMM
Instrument Hygiene – University of Nevada, Las Vegas 
Instrument Cleanliness – National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians
COVID-19 Piano Care – Piano Technicians Guild  — PDF

Copyright Laws – including COVID-19 related*

* Music Publishers Agree to Allow Educational Use of Copyrighted Music – NFHS, NAfME
Basics of Copyright for Music Educators – Presentation by NAfME
United States Copyright Law: A Guide for Music Educators – Complete Guide by NAfME, MPA, MTNA, NASM, and NMPA
Understanding Copyright and Compliance – Course through NFHS Learning Center
Additional links and FAQ – Compiled by NAfME
Hal Leonard FAQ
GIA Publications

Videos and Blogs

TMEA Advocacy Videos
Ted Talks/Music  

Ted Talks/Music Education
Band Directors Talk Shop

NAfME Amplify (Requires login)
Music Educators Creating Online Learning (a private Facebook page)
LMEA Music (a private Facebook page)

More links to be added soon…..

These links to third-party resources are provided for informational purposes only and do not constitute or imply the endorsement of or recommendation by Louisiana Music Education Association (LMEA). LMEA does not have control of or influence over the contents of these external websites and therefore, does not accept any responsibility for the information presented. Review all information before sharing it with your students to ensure it fits your needs, level of instruction, and educational goals.