Richte Mich, Gott by Mendelssohn – Audition Tracks
Richte Mich, Gott by Mendelssohn – Audition Tracks
“Richte Mich, Gott” by Mendelssohn, SSAATTBB, Warner Bros., LG70179. (Sing German)For 2019, use the CPDL version, as requested by Dr. Stephen A. Futrell, All-State Mixed Choir Director.The Audition Tracks for “Richte Mich, Gott”begin at measure 21. They can be played or downloaded here. To download, right-click on the part name (for ex.: Soprano 1) and select “Save Link As.” (On some computers, you may need to access the audio file first by clicking on the part name, then right-click on play and select “Save Link As.”)