The Louisiana All State High School Handbell Ensemble.
2025 All-State Handbell Director: Greig Ashurst
Greig Ashurst has cultivated an illustrious pedagogical and conducting career spanning over three decades, encompassing various domains such as technology, educational philosophy, and music throughout the United States. Mr. Ashurst has amassed a distinguished professional background in the field of music, where he has instructed, directed, and delivered clinics, seminars, and keynote addresses across the United States. Recently, he presented clinics at the annual conferences of the Connecticut Music Educators Association and the Michigan Music Conference. This year, some of Mr. Ashurst’s notable conducting engagements include conducting the Indiana All-State Handbell Ensemble and the International Handbell Symposium in Hamamatsu, Japan.
As a music education and technology consultant for Schulmermich Bells, LLC, he was instrumental in the development of numerous products. He was a member of the design and implementation group for the electronic handbell-like instrument, MelodyWave. He designed and introduced the Greig Ashurst Artists Series and the Greig Ashurst Legato Series, two new lines of professional performance mallets that have revolutionized the timbral landscape of contemporary handbell performance and music. In addition to numerous articles in local and national music journals, GIA Publications, Hope Publishing, and From the Top Publishing have all published his music.
He has held the position of music educator at universities and public and private institutions in Louisiana, North Carolina, and Texas. He was born in Lafayette, Louisiana. At present, Mr. Ashurst holds the positions of Director of Instrumental Music and Director of Technology at Cathedral-Carmel School, where he was the 2016–2017 “teacher of the year.” In 2009 and 2003, respectively, North Vermilion High School in Maurice, LA and CW Stanford Middle School in Hillsborough, NC honored him as “Teacher of the Year.” In addition, he holds the position of Youth Music and Instrumental Director at Asbury United Methodist Church, located in Lafayette, Louisiana. Greig Ashurst holds multiple positions within a multitude of organizations, including that of board member for the Southwest Louisiana Band Directors’ Association and president of the Handbell Musicians of America.
All-State Program for the Handbell Ensemble
The program is to be selected from:
Processional and Joyful Dance by Margaret Tucker
Festive Fanfare by Arnold Sherman
Andante Maestoso from “Jupiter” Gustav Holst/ Arranged by Kevin McChesney
Amazing Grace arranged by Sandra Eithun
Just Messin’ Around by Hart Morris
Hashivenu arr. Brenda Austin
Reverberations by Sallie Lloyd
Clocks by Coldplay/ Arranged by Keith Richards
Jamaican Holiday by Greig Ashurst
LMEA All-State Handbell Ensemble – 2025
There is a single live monitored audition for the All-State Handbell Ensemble. Auditions will be video recorded by the District Director or his/her designee and submitted as an mp4 file to the All-State Handbell Chair for adjudication.
Students in 8th-12th grades may audition.
DEADLINES for 2024-25:
District Deadlines – District Directors will provide procedural information and set the deadline for receiving checks and student information from schools in their district. This deadline may be before the state’s deadline.
Saturday, October 5, 2024 – Deadline for completion of all auditions and the receipt of all student registrations and audition fees by the district director or his/her designee.
Monday, October 14, 2024 (by 11:59 pm) – Results for the All-State Handbell Ensemble will be posted online. Registration forms for students selected to an ensemble will opened once rosters are posted.
Students auditioning must be enrolled in a Louisiana-accredited high school and must be an active member of that school’s handbell program. Click for a list of Nonpublic Accredited Approved Schools 2024-25. Students’ ensemble directors must be current full LMEA members.
In a situation where there is no handbell ensemble in a school, the student must be enrolled in a Louisiana-accredited high school and certified by the eligible music teacher at that school or a private teacher who is an LMEA member.
District directors will verify that teachers of all students participating in these auditions are current members of LMEA.
Students are eligible for membership in only one All-State ensemble.
DATE and LOCATION: Each district director will schedule the date, time, and location for video recording the handbell auditions in his/her district.
STUDENT RELEASE OF INFORMATION FORM – this form will need to be printed, signed, and submitted to your District Director. Follow your his/her instructions for submitting it. Auditions cannot be adjudicated without this form.
$15 per audition
Ensemble directors must follow their District Director’s instructions and deadline for submitting school checks and registration information.
District Directors must confirm the receipt of all audition fees and forms by the date the audition files are uploaded. An audition cannot be adjudicated if the audition fee has not been received.
All auditioner information will be submitted by the District Director or his/her designee. This includes: Name, School, Grade, Instrument or Voice, All-State Ensemble preference, T-Shirt Size, Audio audition file, Verification of receipt of the “Release of Information” Form.
All audition videos and registration forms must be uploaded via the Google form by 11:59 pm on Monday, October 7, 2024 by the District Director or his/her designee. (Links will be sent to the District Director.)
Students auditioning for more than one ensemble must indicate their preference of ensembles when their audition registration information is submitted. This information will be used should he/she be selected to participate in more than one of this year’s LMEA All-State ensembles.
There is a single audition, recorded at the district level, for All-State Handbell Ensemble.
All handbell auditions will be video recorded (.mp4 file) as ringing technique is critical.
Each District Director will assign one or more monitors to record the audition and certify that each auditioner played the material without any restarts.
Monitors should be carefully selected by the district director to ensure procedural continuity of the audition.
An audio test of the recorder and room should be done before any auditions begin. Be sure the student will be clearly heard.
Be sure that the instrument and audition number announced on the recording are accurately entered on the track sheet.
Monitors should verify that the recording is on the recorder before the auditioner leaves the room (if possible). (This can be done by playing a few seconds of the recording and checking the length of the file on the recorder.)
Audition restarts will only be allowed if there is a technical issue with the recorder.
Each recorded audition must be unedited and made in one single file – do not dub any portion of the audition.
Start the recording.
Identification Information: The monitor will read the following script to announce and identify each auditioner: “On handbells,this is Audition Number (Insert Audition Number).”
Exercises: The student will perform the current set’s exercises as written.
A track sheet will be shared via Google Sheets to enter the audition information at the “room” level. This includes: Room Number, Recorder Number, File Name, File Duration, Last Name, First Name, Instrument/Voice, Audition Number.
The Room Number, Recorder Number, File Name and Audition Number are to be determined by the District Director or his/her designee.
There should be one track sheet for each room used at the audition.
If a traditional video recorder is not available, a cell phone may be used as long as the file is submitted as an mp4 file. District Directors have received information about these recorders.
Each district director (or designee) will be responsible for submitting auditioners’ information and uploading all audio audition recordings (.mp4 files only) into the Google form provided by the audition coordinator.
All student registration information and audition recordings must be submitted by Monday, October 7, 2024 (11:59 pm). District Directors will communicate to their district regarding how they want to receive student information – name, school, grade, instrument, All-State ensemble preference, t-shirt size, audio audition file, verification of receipt of the “Student Release of Information Form.”
Google Drive is one of the easiest and most accessible platforms to use for file sharing. However, some school districts restrict the sharing of files from their school google drives. Files must be accessible to the chairperson to be judged for inclusion in the group. Discussions with your school district’s IT department may be necessary to ensure usage in the All-State audition.
Adjudication: The judges (music educators from around the country with handbell programs in their schools) will assess audition performances based on technique, tone/timbre/balance, interpretation, accuracy, and other general performance factors. (See attached rubric)
Audition Results: Results will be posted on this website as soon as possible once they are finalized for all ensembles. For 2024-25, results will be posted on Monday, October 14, 2024 after 7:00 pm.
Ranking Scores: At the completion of the adjudication process, students will be ranked according to their final scores.
Number of Performers: 11-26 musicians
11 Musicians minimum per 3-Octave Ensemble
13 Musicians per 5-Octave Ensemble
Ideally, there would be a double ensemble
A partial second 3-Octave Ensemble is possible
Event Registration: Students selected to the All-State Handbell Ensemble will need to register for the All-State event.
Location – Hilton New Orleans Riverside (all rehearsals and concerts)
Registration Fees – $165
Deadline – Saturday, November 2, 2024 by 11:59pm (All-State registration form, All-State permission form, fees, and if applicable, LMEA Academic Award form)
LMEA is working hard to provide the highest quality All-State experience. All ensembles will rehearse and perform under the leadership of a nationally-celebrated director. Evening concerts will feature Louisiana universities as well as guest artists from around the country.
The registration fee covers rehearsal and performance related expenses, music, an All-State patch, All-State t-shirt, and the LMEA Academic Award (if applicable).
All students will be served a buffet style dinner each night, which will include a fresh salad, hearty main course, two sides, dessert, and beverage. Special meal options will be provided for students with food allergies or dietary restrictions.
Students are on their own for lunch and breakfast. They may take advantage of food options within the Hilton. For lunch, students may choose to eat in the food court of the Riverwalk Outlet, which adjoins the Hilton Riverside. Multiple fast-food options are available and lunch breaks will be staggered to help alleviate crowds.
DONATIONS Links to information and ways to help support Louisiana’s talented LMEA All-State students can be found below. Join us as we celebrate their hard work and dedication, and this prestigious achievement.
Donation Letter – A downloadable Word doc with suggested modifications that teachers can customize to fit each student’s situation
FAQ Sheet– Detailed information on how to support Louisiana’s talented young musicians cover their All-State expenses (registration and evening meals only) by donating to students through LMEA’s portal
Donation Form/LMEA Portal – To donate to a specific student(s), school(s), or All-State ensemble events
Onsite check-in and the first rehearsal will be on Thursday, January 16, 2025.
The concert will be on Saturday, January 18, 2025.
Student Forms – Important registration information, required forms, and optional forms.
Academic Award Form (OPTIONAL) – A student who has a verified cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher must upload the verified academic award form when completing the online All-State Student Registration Form. (Only 10th, 11th, and 12th graders are eligible for this award.) The deadline is the same as the “registration due” deadline.
MUSIC: All-State Handbell Ensemble music will be distributed to the selected musicians by their LMEA District Director, their LMEA District’s Handbell Chair, or through their director.
HOTEL INFORMATION: (Information can also be found under the Conference tab in the menu.)
Be on time: If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. If you’re late, you’re causing the other musicians…
Use of cell phones and other electronic devices: Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be used or seen during any rehearsals. It’s OK to use them during breaks and other times when we are not rehearsing or performing.
All-State Rules and Regulations are part of the All-State Entry form and are to be signed by each student, parent, director, and principal involved.
All-State Rules and Regulations are part of the All-State School and Emergency Permission Form and are to be signed by each student, parent, director and principal involved.
Rules and Regulations for LMEA All-State:
Teachers are required to screen students who are discipline problems and not allow them to audition.
Students are expected to follow their school’s rules while at LMEA All-State.
Students must be present and on time for registration, all rehearsals, and any other scheduled All-State events.
Students failing to adhere to their LMEA All-State schedule or the rules and regulations are subject to dismissal.
Students are responsible for their personal equipment and instruments, including any school instruments or other items checked out to them. LMEA will not assume responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen equipment or instruments.
Any student who participates in any type of vandalism will be subject to immediate dismissal. The student and the school will be held responsible for damages.
Any student in possession of prescription drugs without a doctor’s prescription, any illegal drugs or other illegal substances, including alcoholic beverages, or who consumes any of these will be subject to immediate dismissal. The parent, director, and administrator will be notified.
Students’ teachers are required to be current LMEA members and to register for and be present at the All-State event and Professional Development Conference to ensure students are supervised/chaperoned when not in rehearsals or another scheduled All-State activity.
Parents or a designated chaperone are responsible for students when they are not in a rehearsal or at an LMEA sponsored event.
Consequences and procedures related to the violation of any rules:
The student’s principal, director and parents will be immediately notified of any rule violation.
A disciplinary committee consisting of the Executive Director, the LMEA President, and the Band, Orchestra, Vocal, Guitar, Handbell, or Jazz Ensemble Chairperson (as pertinent) shall review any disciplinary problems before dismissal from the All-State group is recommended.
Any student dismissed (sent home) from an All-State event will be prohibited from participating in any LMEA event for one (1) full year starting from the time of the dismissal.
Any school organization whose student (or students) must be dismissed from an LMEA All-State event will be placed on a one-year probation. If a student is dismissed within the probation period, that school organization will be prohibited from participating in LMEA All-State events the following year.
Any infraction and subsequent dismissal will be referred to the LMEA Executive Board for resolution and clarification.
QUESTIONS If you have a question that the district director cannot answer, please email Greig Ashurst, LMEA Handbell Committee Chair, at [email protected].