Application Process opens on September 1, 2020
Deadline for Application is November 1, 2020
Fill out and submit online form.
Selection Process will completed at the Board of Directors Meeting in January 2021.
Please be aware that you may be asked to interview once your application has been received and reviewed by the LMEA Executive Board.
Editor: The Louisiana Musician Job Description
For the Louisiana Music Educators Association
Official Tasks Associated with the Editor
- Prepare and publish The Louisiana Musician (Official LMEA Journal) and the Louisiana Connection (Official LMEA Newsletter) with a frequency to be determined by the LMEA Board of Directors.
- Coordinate with the LMEA Webmaster and other members of the LMEA communications team.
- Contribute posts and updates to the website and social media platforms as needed.
- Determine content for each publication in cooperation with the Executive Board, Webmaster, and communications team.
- Solicit content from appropriate sources such as the LMEA Board of Directors and related contributors.
- Edit and format content.
- Solicit advertisement from private and public sources related to music education.
- Determine pricing and ad specification based on current market publication costs.
- Invoice advertisers and manage advertising income in cooperation with the Executive Director of LMEA.
- Solicit and contract appropriate services as needed.
- Determine timelines and deadlines related to content, advertisement, and publication.
- Serve as an advisor to the LMEA Board of Directors as relates to communication with membership.
Unofficial Tasks Traditionally Associated with the Editor
- Provide writing services for President as needed.
- Assist the Webmaster and communications team with supplemental writing and editing of content as needed.
Evaluation and Selection Process
The LMEA Board of Directors will determine the continued service of the editor of THE LOUISIANA MUSICIAN during the meeting in which a President-Elect assumes duties as President. The President will entertain a motion from the Board for consideration of the continued service of the editor. Discussion and voting will follow.
- At least one calendar month prior to the meeting in which continued service will be determined, the current President will provide Board Members with the editor’s job description.
- At least one month prior to the meeting in which continued service will be determined, the Executive Board will accept input related to job performance of the Editor in the previous term.
- After consultation with the Executive Board, the President will determine a recommendation to be made as relates to the continued service of the editor and notify the editor at least 10 days prior to the meeting in which continued service will be determined.
Continuation of Service or Selection of a New Editor
- Continued service will be accomplished through recommendation by the President and a simple majority vote of the Board members present provided there is a quorum.
- Should the decision of the Board be that the current editor will not continue in service or should the current editor wish to retire from the position, an application process will be utilized to solicit other candidates.
- The Executive Board may appoint an interim editor in order to prevent any interruption of services while the application process proceeds.
- The Executive Board will review all applications and the President will make recommendations to the full Board.
- Selection will be accomplished by a simple majority vote of the Board members present provided there is a quorum.
- If no applicant is determined to be suitable to the Executive Board or if no applicant earns a simple majority of votes by the Board of Directors, provided there is a quorum, the President has the responsibility to notify membership ( of a continuation of the application process.