2023 Conference Handouts

Thank you to all the presenters who have provided copies of their handouts or slides for conference attendees to access.

Belmont, Dr. Nanci:  Bassoon Bootcamp for Band Directors

Bowers, Dr. Jason and panel:  The Other 80% A Discussion About Expanding the Umbrella of LMEA

Bray, Sara:Breaking the Ice:  Building Respectful Culture in the School Choral Program

Deaville, Pat:  Retrospective Presentation

Deaville, Pat:  Order Form for The Louisiana Musician Retrospective

Folsom, Johnny:  Make Concerts a Must Go Event

Fortune, Beth and Kelly Clingan:  Teaching Bravery Over Perfection: Engaging Girls in Improvisation

Gillespie, Dr. Robert:  Motivating the Adolescent Research-based Strategies to Get Them to Do Their Best in the School Orchestra

Griffin, Gregg:  Allons Louisiane, Show Me How to Two-Step The Cultural and Musical Impact of a School-Based Cajun & Zydeco Music Ensemble

Hart, Keith:  The Lost Tools of Learning

Hirst, Eddie:  So Much Stuff, So Little Time

King, Joshua and Michelle King:  Grow and Cultivate Your Small School Band Program

Laird, Sharon and Mark:  Smooth Sailing on Stormy Seas

Meeks, Brandon:  Don’t Throw Away Your Shot

Mirvil, Dr. Dunwoody:  Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s  Developing the Effectual Habits of an Intentional Trombonist

Nassar, Joseph:  Other Factors: How Choice of Music Directly Determines Your Assessment Outcome

Prats, Amy, Dr. Alissa Rowe, Michele DesLattes, Amy Wakefield, Rebecca Vacha:  Preparing for Large Ensemble Assessment: A Whole New World

Russell, Dayshawn:  Don’t Despise the Small Beginnings

Schlegel, Dr. Amanda:  HOT Music Classes and Rehearsals to Foster Identity, Belonging, and Agency

Schlegel, Dr. Amanda:  SEL Reflection Guide

Shabankareh, Ashley:  Incorporating Music Therapy into Your Music Education Practice (Slides)

Shabankareh, Ashley:  Incorporating Music Therapy into Your Music Education Practice (handout)

South, Abby:  Trauma Informed Instruction in the Music Room

Tolson, Jerry:  The Jazz Commandments

Zeigler IV, Odell:  Unconventional Approach to the Urban Chorus Classroom for the New Choral Director